
August 31, 2004
For Brian, not me.
Though, if this were four years ago, I would've done Elizabeth Dole face for the camera and blog posting - hearkening back to when she had the Holy Man Morgan Fairchild renditioned face, if you know what I'm talking about. As it stands, Mrs. Dole looks a bit more her age these days and, well, not quite as parodyable. That would've been worth a pretty peck o' hits, though, and I stood ready.
Conventional Wisdom?
That stinker husband of mine asked for it.
He's been this blogging fool, using his main computer to type, and streaming the convention in on the eMac that's hooked to the T1. Yeah, we Noggles have it rough here.
So, yes, George P. Bush does have a beautiful smile. The word "yum" does come to mind. The twins didn't impress me much - tried to be too cute, and it didn't fly, but I loved Schwarzenneger's speech. Loved it. Must get transcript of the "know you're a Republican if" section. Often, I feel like I'm the last Republican on earth (save the spouse). The convention's helping to rid me of that.
Republican Convention
Can someone explain to me the protesters of the convention? I just really don't get it. The Convention's part of politics and part of democracy as we know it, no? Are these people protesting democracy? I scratch my head at them. Can't they save their hard-or-not-so-hard-earned dollars to protest more worthy event if those protest needs are unfulfilled?
Wild Animals
On Sunday morning, I arose at the lovely hour of 6:00 a.m. to prepare for the Annie's Frozen Custard Ride. It was a day that started as any other, but when I turned on the light upstairs in the kitchen and looked outside the back glass door, I had a visitor.
Said visitor stood very close to the glass on its hind legs, and it was quite tall. It also appeared upset but stood its ground. On first notice, I thought it was an evilly mutated version of my tabby cat Galt, but, no, alas, it was merely a free-standing raccoon.
After more thinking, I believe what I saw was the offspring of a dog. (Found on the Drudge Report)
August 27, 2004
I'm not the most stable human right now. It's 7:28 on a Friday evening, and I'm WORKING. Why am I working? Well, at 3 p.m., I declared myself too frustrated to work and left for home. After a calming weightlifting session and a good dinner, I rededicated myself to the task at hand. Which is trying a somewhat difficult query in MySQL - difficult because I can't get the damned thing to work. I found the nice documentation on MySQL's site, and huffed and puffed and huffed and puffed (and threw stuffed animals...because that's my temperament) but just couldn't blow this house down.
And I'm madder now that I know why.
You see, the current production-level release of MySQL doesn't support subqueries - only the 4.1 beta release. Sorry, not taking beta into a client's production environment. See, this nice person told me so in very succinct words.
Unfortunately and obnoxiously, MySQL's online documentation is seemingly for the 4.1 product, even though it's still beta. Nowhere in red will you, the skimming reader who normally finds this part of the job a breeze, see the "you can't do this here text" or that the version documented is not the production version. It's. simply. not. there.
Pardon me while I deadrenalize over my wasted time I don't have. Even the cats are running away.
Pets and Property
I've long argued that pets are more than mere property and are closer to family members. I think this man would agree with me.
GAINESVILLE, Florida (AP) -- A man jumped in a pond and stabbed a 6-foot alligator with a pocketknife to force the reptile to release his dog from its jaws.I'm glad Mr. Goff is okay. I am sure I would've done the same, although it's OBVIOUSLY not the common sense choice. 'Course my dog would've been on a leash...
Matthew Goff, 29, said he was walking Sugar, a tan-colored bloodhound/Shar-Pei mix, in a park when the attack occurred Wednesday evening. The unleashed dog wandered to the edge of the pond, and the gator grabbed its head.
The gator released Sugar when Goff stabbed the reptile in the eye. The dog then ran home, escaping with three teeth marks on and about her head. Goff had a few scratches.
August 26, 2004
Cycling Forums Presidential Poll
I got an e-mail from Cycling Forums, a place I occasionally visit but don't post on, and one of the threads pertained to political leanings. The poll was of about 200 people, and, surprisingly, President Bush had 42.27% of those "votes."
Considering that all of my cycling friends appear to lean a bit or a lot left, I was surprised with how close this is. I remember once at a gas station rest stop on a ride, someone brought up gun control, and I pifflepoffled it and obtained lots of surprised looks. Probably mentioned something to the effect of knife control, and then the moment passed.
If the roadies are for the most part supportive of President Bush...
August 24, 2004
Paging Dr. Thackquab
Do you have a good family doctor - either a GP or an Internist? If not, you're either lucky and have little need of a doctor, or you are suffering from can't-get-appointmentitis.
CNN provides an article about doctors who provide same-day appointment service. Is this really all that novel? I hope not - I can get in same day with my Internist or someone in his group, and that has proven VITAL in a few cases, especially with last year's strep infection.
I can't imagine not being able to see the doctor when it's necessary. For things like a physical or the yearly woman's visit, there's no need for same-day service, though the article points out that there are few cancelled appointments that way.
By the way, the Dr. Thackquab thing is from my father. He had some goofy names for imaginary characters. That was one of them. He also - now this is way off topic - had his own "language" he would walk around talking in. One of his "greetings" was Giddy b'Sow. I think it was a friendly greeting. Further on this, I actually knew of a Dr. Bonebrake. Poor guy never had a shot at an orthopaedic career, obviously.
Fear of Blogging
If there were a phobia for fear of blogging, what would it be named?
In the past week, I've had a bit of time I could have blogged, but everything I thought of, my psyche shot down. Many reasons for this - "oh, I've already said that." "Oh, that's inane." I mean, really. My personal life's kinda in a repeat loop of this time last year. Bike bike bike, 91 miles two weekends ago, 60+ this weekend. "Look, something about cats." Oh, wait, that's too close to this entry. "New nutrition info." Haven't I already beat that dead horse?
I'm too busy to be reading enough to be in linking mode, so, there you have it. I've been waylaid by fear-of-blogging repercussions.
MS 150's in less than 3 weeks. On the bike all the time until then. After that, I'll be volunteering for Bush Cheney. Busy busy.
I need to be working on petfriendlyrental.org, a charity site I'm going to do (have domain name). I need a quick design for the site - this is the area I'm fairly weak in. I have the colors picked out. If anyone's interested, please, I could use a hand. It's got to be fairly simple/professional. (e-mail's angelweaving@hotmail.com). Designer will be mentioned in the "credits" (look at Opspot, a site I did for example.)
Posted by hln at 12:43 PM
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Headline News
I just walked by one of the muted big TVs at work, and the CNN headline flashed "Garrison Keillor backs Al Franken Senate run."
I can't find anything in the search engines about Franken and senate that's newer than May, though. CNN seems to be indicating a need to save your carpet scraps.
On the Keillor note, I guess I missed the release of this.
August 13, 2004
Olympic Google
Olympic Google is pretty cool.
I'm a big fan of the Olympic Games, preferring the winter Olympics over the summer, though. I'm still awed by gymnastics and swimming (neither of which I can really do, though I sure gave both a shot as a child. I remember falling off the balance beam when I was 7 or so. That balance thing has never been a strong point). And this year I'm sure I'll tune in to some cycling.
August 12, 2004
Common Sense
Not many changes proposed for the food pyramid and nutrition recommendations surrounding it. The consensus? America - get off your collective ass and MOVE.
The highlights? Eat more whole grains, more fruits and veggies. Eliminate trans fats, and keep saturated fat intake low. I could've written this. It's very good rational advice.
Trans fats lurk everywhere. Just about every brand of chips and crackers - common snack food. Microwave popcorn's full of it. The words "partially hydrogenated" are your clue.
But back to a key thing. It's never been that the food pyramid is too complicated. It's that people don't place value in it. I like the proposed changes, the specifics where they're needed. But it's still no panacea; nothing will be.
August 10, 2004
The Cat Who Didn't Like To Fly
Brian sent me this. Thought I'd share.
Attack kitty decided it'd had enough of this overseas flying, according to this SF Gate article.
A Belgian airliner made an emergency landing after an agitated passenger -- a cat -- got into the cockpit and attacked the co-pilot, the airline said Tuesday.The cat's still singing from the slammer, "I scratched the co-pilot...but I did not scratch the other crew." Okay, maybe that's a stretch.
The SN Brussels flight from the Belgian capital to Vienna, Austria, had been in the air about 20 minutes Monday when "it was noticed" that a passenger's pet had escaped from its cage, "although it is not yet clear how," according to an airline statement.
August 08, 2004
Gateway MS 150, September 11 and 12, 2004
This evening I finally signed up for this year's MS 150, due to take place in a scant 5 weeks. I'm sorta ready - could do the ride, but it would be serious suffering. So I'm going to be training and training seriously the next 4 weeks because it's the smartest thing to do.
Managed 57.5 yesterday - yes, that's miles. Two to three weekday mornings, or, becuase of fluky weather, afternoons for this upcoming week (it'll be about 50 degrees in the a.m. - no thanks) hold 15 - 20 mile rides for me, and there's always the indoor trainer if there's rain. Joy.
I need to increase my leg strength training regimen because, oddly, I seem to lose leg strength in cycling season. Part of it is that I cut down leg strength training to once a week, so I'm going to try to up that without having an adverse effect on the cycling. Could be interesting. For example, I trained legs today. If you're interested, the scoop's in the extended entry.
In the next couple of days I'll put up a donation link because I'd like a bit of support. There's no little short easy option for the MS 150 like there is for Tour de Cure (where I did the 50 mile option - which turned out to be only about 44). This is some serious training and pain...and accomplishment. I'm encasing my feet in antibiotics and not leaving the house for the week before. If you're scratching your head at that statement, go here.
So, yeah, here I am again begging for money. Please remember it's not for me. It's for people like you and me who just have a bit of luck going the wrong direction. Brian and I had a good friend diagnosed (early, thankfully) with the disease just a couple of weeks ago.
You can donate as little as three dollars. Just think - that's two cents a mile (and I'm only half joking here - three dollars would be great).
I can't find the way to do a single click donation, but you can go to the MS 150 site itself and search for Noggle under last name and Missouri as the state. That should bring you right to me.
Today I did:
Presses on the sled - 12 reps at 180 pounds, 10 reps at 200 pounds, and 8 reps at 220 pounds.
Another Hammer leg press, meant to be worked single leg at a time or both, that targets upper parts of quads/thighs - 180 pounds, 10 reps, 2 sets.
Dorky omnipresent but effective inner thigh machine - 65, 70, 75 pounds, 10 reps each set. (Remember, as you scoff at this low weight, these pups are sore from yesterday).
Equally dorky and attached to same machine abduction exercise (hip shaper, outer thigh). Same machine is not properly balanced, as these muscles are weaker, but strangely I can use more weight. 3 sets of 10 - 115, 125, and 140 pounds.
Hamstring curls, 65, 70, 75 pounds - 10 reps each.
Quad leg extension (ow ow ow) - 60, 75. (Two wimpy sets - sore quads).
Hammer calf machine, 180 for 1 set of 12 and then 230 for 2 sets of 10.
And then I stretched and prayed I'd be walking well enough to ride the bike on Tuesday.
Oh, Look. I Completely Sunburned My Nose
For what else could be the caption here.

This is Atari Party V, which took place last evening. Brian has a full chronicle of it, including 31 pictures. If you want to take a look at our house, and, as he's pointed out, see that we do have friends, here you go.
(If you're new here, I'm the slightly drunk looking chick with the sunburned nose looking right at the photographer.)
The sunburned nose is actually from the, oh, 57.5 mile bike ride I undertook that morning. I didn't renew the sunscreen, so, there you have it. The ride was in gorgeous weather and was slated for 46 miles. I did my food management according to that, so, you see, when I got lost for what was, I guess, 11 miles, I was a bit worn out, hungry, and grouchy. But I made it back in one piece, albeit ravenous. The poor salad I ate not too much later - it never had a chance to escape.
August 05, 2004
Tigger, Registered Sex Offender?
How do you define molested? Somehow this isn't my definition.
ORLANDO, Florida (AP) -- A 13-year-old girl testified Monday that a Walt Disney World worker dressed as the beloved character Tigger fondled her breast while she posed for a photo with him and her mother.Certainly sounds like the judge thinks he did it. Whyowhy, though, I ask you? The dude's in costume - it's not like he's going to get some sort of major pleasure out of the sensation. Also seems to lead to maybe not even noticing at all - maybe the 13 year-old was especially pert and he was accustomed to the spot being safe because girls are saggier these days - I dunno. I've had my boobs elbowed, backed into, etc., from pure accident. I'd guess most women have.
"I didn't know what to do. I didn't know what to say," the girl said during the first day of Michael Chartrand's trial on battery and lewd and lascivious molestation charges.
Earlier Monday, Chartrand, 36, rejected a plea deal that would have spared him prison time if convicted.
Prosecutor William Jay offered Chartrand one year of probation and 50 hours of community service if he accepted the plea agreement for misdemeanor battery. Under the terms, Chartrand also would have been banned from theme parks and required to undergo a psychosexual evaluation.
"He didn't do it," said Jeffrey Kaufman, Chartrand's attorney. "We're going to fight it."
Chartrand now could face up to 15 years in prison if convicted.
Would you risk 15 years of prison versus no prison time if you were guilty?
The article later goes on to state that Chartrand isn't the park's only Tigger. I smell money.
Jurors will have access to a Tigger costume.
P.S. Don't wait a day to blog. Tigger was acquitted!
August 02, 2004
Subway Should Sue
More headline fun. Ravenwood has the story, but I've got the headline.
Woman Arrested for Eating in Subway. I guess Jared's gone all take-out now. Wants to avoid being fingerprinted.
God Rest Her Soul
I missed this story as it was occurring, but young cancer patient Alexandra Scott, who with her idea raised almost 3/4 of a million dollars for cancer research, has died. She was 8 not-so-innocent years old.
Can you imagine having to understand serious illness and death at 8 and younger? At 8 I was in the 3rd grade. It was 1980. I was good at spelling, and it was a year before I would contract the chicken pox, which was the only serious thing to happen to me in childhood. How...normal.
But young Alex, no. She was diagnosed before she was a year old. Life and cancer were synonymous.
Alexandra, diagnosed just before her first birthday with neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of childhood cancer, decided to set up a lemonade stand to raise money for treatment. She took in $2,000 that first year, and a series of stands had raised a total of $200,000 after four years.hln
In June, lemonade stand fund-raisers were set up in all 50 states, as well as in Canada and France, and Alexandra and her family appeared on Oprah Winfrey's TV program and the "Today" show.
Alex hoped that her Alex's Lemonade Stand charity would raise $1 million this year for cancer research. The effort has passed the $700,000 mark, and Volvo of North America had pledged to hold a fall fund-raising event to assure that the $1 million goal would be reached, Liz Scott said.
Since June, Alex's quality of life had dropped off, and her health had severely deteriorated in the last few days, her mother said. Still, her daughter was determined to push forward even as her condition worsened, she said.
"She had a lot of faith and faith in research and trying the newest things," Liz Scott said.
August 01, 2004
Most of this entry will be in the extended section. If you plan to see the Bourne Supremacy or read the Bourne Legacy, you'd probably best skip this entry. I can't drag myself to see The Bourne Supremacy. I've seen the previews. The movie looks good. It looks good, that is, if you're not a big Ludlum fan, and if you haven't read the books in the Bourne series.
I did see The Bourne Identity, and I was very irritated with the shallow plot. I realize it was nearly impossible to portray the details of the book (which are what make it such a good books), but the plot suffered horribly from the lack of inclusion of the man searching for his identity, being horrified when learning the pieces, and then in the end not being that person at all. Matt Damon is not my Jason Bourne, as my mother says. Hello - book's premise is also based on Vietnam. I didn't see any jungle.
So the previews for The Bourne Supremacy don't do much for me. I'm expecting Marie to be kidnapped, y'know, and maybe an assassin pretending to be Jason Bourne. I'm expecting some reference to Carlos, but I'm sure there'll be none of that. I certainly didn't see anything that looked like Hong Kong in those previews. I hope the writers have to wash themselves twice every night.
Also this year, Eric Van Lustbader revived the Bourne character in print. If you've never read one of Ludlum's Bourne novels, then this new book was excellent. If you have, though, you might find yourself scratching your head one too many times for book bliss.
There's no real distinction between David Webb and Jason Bourne. In this book, The Bourne Legacy, Jason Bourne has FEELINGS. And there's no real conflict between the two personalities. Huh? Where'd that come from? I promise it was bizarre. It's as if Lustbader hadn't bothered to re-read the trilogy when he penned this piece. Who is this person? He, also, is not my Jason Bourne...and probably not yours, either. I miss Robert Ludlum, who probably wouldn't have written another Bourne book. David Webb/Jason Bourne were getting a bit old in The Bourne Ultimatum. But that, too, is glossed over.