
March 31, 2005

She Wore An Itsy...

People Europeans (of all people!) are grousing because toddler bikinis are now available, er, they were.

OSLO (Reuters) - A Swedish bikini-style top for toddlers will be withdrawn from sale amid criticism from a Norwegian cabinet minister that bra-like clothing was inappropriate for small girls.

"It is remarkably daft to make bra-like bikinis for one-year-olds," Norwegian Minister of Children and Family Affairs Laila Daavoey was quoted as telling the Norwegian daily Verdens Gang Thursday.

"This is a terrible commercialization of childhood. Children are not women. Bikinis on small children are a way of linking children to sexuality. We must say 'No' to this," she said.
But, see, if these same female children went topless, no controversy.

Am I wrong?

James Joyner has it, too.


Posted by hln at March 31, 2005 08:02 PM | Whimsy | TrackBack