
October 26, 2004

Baseball Season: A Fairy Tale

Once upon a time in the great city of St. Louis, there lived and played a wonderful baseball team called the St. Louis Cardinals. During the regular season - and the first two series of the postseason - Cardinal batters were feared and mighty. Those days are gone.

Sigh. That's where I've been. Sitting in front of the TV with my Propel on one side and crochet materials on the other. And until the last three games, it's been a treat.

But all Fairy Tales must come to an end. When, as a fan, you turn off the TV in top of the 7th and consider making other plans for the night of game 4 (tomorrow), your hope is lost.

I'll not boo hoo on your reading time any longer.


Posted by hln at October 26, 2004 09:55 PM | Sports | TrackBack

It's okay. I've been boo-hooing plenty about my beloved Cardinals this week.

Posted by: physics geek at October 28, 2004 12:42 PM