September 13, 2004
Tuckered Out
But still slightly skipping through the office today.
The guys did 200 (both century options), but they couldn't talk this girl into that without having a 150 under her belt. So, maybe ONE century next year now that I know what to expect.
Saturday started when the camera broke right when it was time for our official picture. Due to the wonders of modern technology, though, we still got group photos. (I'm the girl).

The first day was 77.25 miles, and it had 7 rest stops, so about one every 10 miles. The 4th rest stop was lunch, served and provided by Lion's Choice. Lunch was wonderful, but I started out too early after eating it and had some stomach issues the last 30 miles. Still, went fine. Too many casual riders on the first day (most didn't show up for the 2nd) - meaning they got in front of you on hills and you had to slog it up on your own power with no momentum. Ow.
On day 2, the course was 84 miles. I remembered I had brought my digital camera, and at some of the rest stops, I actually took some pictures and had some taken. Like this one at rest stop 7, the 150 mile sojourning spot. Not the most flattering picture of any of us, but very funny, and truly illustrative of how the body felt. (See how YOU look when you've had more than a gallon of fluids to drink each of the last two days).

Why are we so wiped out? Because the route was 84 miles of #@)%(&@#)(%*#@)(% HILLS! I exaggerate not. There was some wind thrown in there, too, to ensure we weren't bored.
But, we all finished. This is my friend Susan congratulating me after I crossed the finish line. She still looks pretty put together after all that riding. Me - heh - no. But I'm smiling. Those muscles weren't sore.

So there'll be a next year. There's a local century in a couple of weeks I'll probably try to do provided it's not pouring down rain, freezing cold, or hurricanously windy (anything above 14 mph means I'm at home snuggling with a book if it's cold).
Oh, and as Brian pointed out, it's not too late to sponsor me for this ride. At 160 miles, $1.60 would be a penny a mile, $3.20 two pennies. $16 is 10 cents a mile. Anything would be wonderful.
Posted by hln at September 13, 2004 09:54 PM | Cycling | TrackBack
Posted by: Mike at September 13, 2004 11:26 PMYay! Way to go!!!
Posted by: Ted at September 14, 2004 05:48 AMNah, you look great. Congratulations, and thanks again for raising the money to fight MS.
Posted by: nic at September 14, 2004 06:48 AMDon't forget to tell the nice people how they can contribute.
Posted by: Brian J. at September 14, 2004 09:52 AMA little late - but congrats!!! I wish I had some extra - I used my little all to buy a bed for some friends who were damaged in Hurricane Frances... *sigh* too many great causes, not enough to go around.
Posted by: Teresa at September 15, 2004 09:11 PMcongratulations, heather!
Posted by: sarahk at September 16, 2004 07:19 AMLooks like their doing something great keep up the good wark lets how those liberals what we conservative can do
Posted by: firebird at September 18, 2004 08:36 AMCongrats, Heather!
Posted by: Jared at September 20, 2004 05:10 PMCool photos
Posted by: Big Mark at April 19, 2005 07:07 AM