
November 02, 2003

Woven Web #2 - Links Out of Control

I'm sorta caught up with all of you. And here I prove it. I've been reading. And it may not be a Sac, but it's something.


California Fires
Saving the Family Dog...but at a price. I'd risk it for my cats. From Single Southern Guy.

The Fat Guy defines how immense the fires really are, uh, were..

Alpha Patriot talks forests and liberals, oh my, oh my.

Cori Dauber from the Volokh Conspiracy talks about The Tragedy Template.

Romulus talks about the Week of Fire

Matthew J. Stinson (you know him from A Fearful Symmetry) discusses Forest Management. Check out his personal page, too.

Sandra Day O'Connor
Ith reminds Justice O'Connor what her duties are.

Ravenwood reminds her, too.

The first I saw of this issue, by John Cole of Balloon-Juice.

Thoughts on the anonymity veil and some of the givens, by Lawrence Simmons of Amish Tech Support.

Snippet by Arguing with Signposts about the same issue.

A humorous take on Luskin from Tom Burka.

Pejman has a few things to say about it from the legal perspective.

Jon at QandO calls for Luskin's admission of wrongdoing.

Allen B. West issue
Matt from Blackfive discusses West at length.

Baldilocks weighs in with Military Intelligence.

And Serenity very civilly disagrees with Blackfive.

Dissing Ted Rall
Carl Heppenstall gets a few words in edgewise regarding Rall's column about the Republican National Convention.

Michele punches on Ted Rall again. Can't say I blame her. He wears a target.

Metrosexuality? Not!

Interested-Participant talks beards. Beards creep me out.

Mike Courtney: On Cows and Porn.

James from Outside the Beltway - the notorious babe o' blogosphere linker - tells us alllll about how it is, Naomi Wolf be damned.

No Theme A'tall
Harvey of Bad Money brings you autographed money. Hee haw.

Only one, Kevin?

Steve Hall freaks us out with that Tammy Faye pic. Yikes!

Chris Lawrence discusses top blogs and preferences.

Spoons talks about black migration southward. Interesting, and something I'd not heard/read.

Hans snarks on corporate policy and Halloween.

Allison: Give me Pizza or Give me School?

Also Allison, Israel trumps Iran and North Korea in threat factor. Bizarre.

Lee at See the Donkey has a wonderful post about Japan.

Meryl Yourish brings us Catblogging! Meow, Tig.

Owen brings us the binary clock.

The Smash household gets a woofer!

Big Arm Woman is confused by the gender genie. I am, too. It's pegged me as male all but once.

Arthur Silber dissects the reasons behind CBS's edits on its Reagans miniseries.

Susanna defines resume for those who might replace her in her current (but not for long) employment.

Yoohoo! Allah! I'm over HERE.

TheYeti talks business.

Politics? Hate 'em - on One Little Victory.

Dean Esmay teaches us about Levant.

Free Links! Oh, and don't forget snark love.

In a topic near to my own employment, Deb of Write Lightning talks outsourcing.

Aaron from Free Will reminds us of by pointing out the new demotivational posters. Priceless.

Max Jacob on "Inventions."

Rethinking Juice. You?

I best call this a parable, from VodkaPundit. Aaah, Oppression. Styled by Ilyka Damen.

More Adventures of the Rumsfeld Strangler.

Kelly from The Patriette furthervilifies Ted Kennedy.

Robert Prather hosts this week's Carnival of the Capitalists. Cha-ching!

Quiz results confuse Trey Givens. Don't worry - it'll all be normal in the morning, Trey!

JustOneMinute declares the letter of the day to be P. Kinda.

Michael Williams admits his age, but there's a whole lot more to it than that. Like, college-aged kids and conservative values.

The Sophorist reminds St. Louis American readers that there is a Republican Party.

Because we all need a touch of optimism, Dana of Note-It Posts talks about the advantages of pregnancy in winter.

Physics Geek gives us song titles in Latin.

PsychoSoph gives us 13 ways to ward of Halloween holiday pounds, but you're gonna have to go looking for them b/c permalinks are Blogsplatted. Yick.

The Dissident Frogman discusses peace and hate in the Middle East.

Scott Ott: This just in - Head Start Reform.


Posted by hln at November 2, 2003 10:29 PM | Woven Web

You are my window to the world with posts like this...

Posted by: Trey Givens at November 3, 2003 10:38 AM

Whoa, nice linkage.

Posted by: Sophorist at November 4, 2003 12:04 AM