November 02, 2003
All Around Munuviana
Ah, yes, it is late in the weekend, but here begins the list of links.
A squinting Roo!
And Roo Jokes!
Ladies! Don't be late!
Whoppers and Football
Pfffft! You were gone!
Paranoia! (Brian style).
On a more serious note, Daniel talks health insurance.
And he interviews Jen!
Helen shares a similar experience. We're scar sisters.
Bunnies for ASPCA.
Michael Bolton? (It's not an Office Space reference).
Mookie details some good grades.
Susie's a poet!
Victor calls Jen's bluff
Random Google Junket!
So, tell us about the Nigerans, Simon.
The amazing musings of Socrates.
November Rain
Mime your own business on Halloween
Yet another reminder that beards creep me out.
Holding Out for a Hero against a troll.
Quick, but linked.
Posted by hln at November 2, 2003 07:34 PM | Linkage/Kudos | TrackBack
Oodles of linky goodness. Thank you. :)
Posted by: LeeAnn at November 2, 2003 09:07 PMWhat, may I ask, is wrong with beards? My gf loves mine!
Posted by: Victor at November 3, 2003 09:31 AM