September 22, 2003
Monday Links (sponsored by Michael Williams)
Seriously, folks, Michael's on a roll. Before I start listing everything else, I'm going to give him a trifecta. You bet (bad pun). I just have to get them in the right sequence so that we all win.
Michael Post 1: Bustamente must return Bustamillions elucidates the swirling opaque sands of campaign finance reform and how it comes into play with the recall.
It doesn't look like you can roll money from one campaign into another. This
is important, because if you could spend left-over money that was originally
donated to campaign A on later campaign B, it would be impossible to enforce
donor limits. Someone could give money to campaigns A and B, and then
campaign A could fold and transfer all its money to campaign B; the donor
could end up giving twice as much as allowed.
No one has a problem with luscious curves, the problem is when your whole
body is just one single curve. This is commonly called a "sphere", and it
doesn't count as an affirmative answer for when people ask you whether or
not you're "in shape".
Michael Post 3: Weight Loss Tip follows up on the "creamy lard" post. I read this after I posted my toothy message, so I left him a comment to that regard. Regarding soda, I'd so much rather munch and crunch than drink my calories.
And, there you have it. The soon-to-follow Links of the Day (of which there are many) is next.
Posted by hln at September 22, 2003 09:41 PM | Linkage/Kudos | TrackBack