September 22, 2003
Monday Links
So many links, so little sleep (if I get 'em all in with commentary).
1) This blew my mind - from Across the Atlantic. I'm not much into current Europe news, so this was ALL news to me.
2) Venemous Kate reports on Gulf War illnesses, specifically ALS. Not to make light of this post, but seeing as Kate's an Axis member, perhaps we Alliance folk can do her neat "letter of the day" theme, but use one letter up in defiance.
3) Mike Courtney's heavy Oil of Olay use pays off!
4) Gil le Bell explores that heavy-handed notion that there's a link between homosexuality and sports.
5) I read this whole thing. Likely, you did too, but I'll link it anyway. Den Beste presents to us a human shield and her travails.
6) Roo the day!
7) Cul-de-Sac is up again at Suburban Blight. These things keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger...
8) Go link up Arianna Huffington on Friendster.
9) Jared Keller cracks me up with his fiskin' entitled NFL LINEBACKERS AND CNNSI SPORTSWRITERS... and subtitled "Are there any finer authorities on gun violence?"
10) An interesting take on noise pollution. I live close enough to Lambert Field that I hear the military jets, too. No big thing.
11) Blackfive is telling tales of his military experiences. I won't link to a specific post. Just go read the blog.
12) And, finally, my Sunday plans. Nothing like 100 miles to get the old blood pumping. Wahoo.
Good night.
Posted by hln at September 22, 2003 10:37 PM | Linkage/Kudos