
June 20, 2004

Tour de Cure

Yesterday's Tour de Cure was held in almost perfect weather - drop the wind about 5 - 7 mph, and then we're in the "Perfect Weather Zone." As it stands, it was cool enough that I was more comfortable in tights over my shorts.

The routes were 25, 43.5ish, and 100. I did the 43.5ish route and wimped out of the 100, but I'm up to ride again today, bits of saddle soreness and all.

My team, Velocity, will pull in close to or right at $5,000. I'll post some pictures when I get them - I wasn't one of the folks with a digital camera. But the jerseys are amazing. Venerated jersey designer.


Posted by hln at June 20, 2004 06:53 AM | Cycling | TrackBack

Congratulations! Sounds like it was a spectacular day all around. Here in Chicago the weather was hovering at 60 on Saturday, I'm glad some of the coolness worked it's way down to St. Louis to make it great riding weather.

Posted by: Teresa at June 21, 2004 09:22 AM

Way to go! Will you post pix of the jerseys?

Posted by: Victor at June 22, 2004 11:26 AM