
February 26, 2004


Not sure what else to call it, but here's dinner from last night (and lunch today). Sam's Club has these frozen tilapia filets, and so we have some of those, and I wanted to fix them last evening. Tilapia's a very mild fish, so you can really do just about anything with it.

The George Foreman grill made it all happen.

Fresh basil (to taste)
x Tilapia filets (usually two per person - they're tiny)
Pizza sauce (spaghetti sauce would work, too, I'm sure) - either homemade or store bought
Fresh mushrooms, sliced
Mozzarella cheese (skim milk made in our house)
Pasta (optional)

If you're going to be using pasta with this, have the water ready to boil at the point that you begin the other steps.

Heat sauce in microwave for about 6 minutes at 60%. While it's cooking, heat grill. When it's heated, place tilapia filets on grill with mushrooms. Cook about four minutes. While this is occuring, chop basil. When the fish is "done," open the grill's lid, and place the basil on top of the fish. Then add a bit of mozzarella, and cook (without relowering the lid) until the cheese is melted. Remove.

Serve. I didn't combine the sauce with anything - we just dished that up at the table. It's quite tasty and not very caloric.


Posted by hln at February 26, 2004 12:09 PM | Recipes | TrackBack

And remember to wipe the George down with a wet dishrag while it is still hot, to steam clean it. Easiest cooking utensil to clean I've ever encountered (as in set on the counter).

Posted by: triticale at March 2, 2004 10:05 PM