
February 08, 2004

Eat Chicken Day

Yes, on Saturday, the BBC reported that Thailand was holding National Eat Chicken Day.
Thousands watched as Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra fried chicken near the Grand Palace in the capital.

His aim, he said, was to tell the world that Thais have confidence in home-reared chicken.

Health experts say eating chicken meat and eggs is safe providing they are thoroughly cooked.

"I don't care if people love or hate me, but I ask that you love the country," the prime minister said in his radio address to the nation .

"If you don't eat chicken, people can't sell chickens, and they will lose their jobs. Everyone will have problems."
PETA's response, er responses.


Posted by hln at February 8, 2004 10:41 PM | PETA! | TrackBack

In that second response:

"Experts speculate"

That wins my award for the weaseliest and most ignorable phrase in the English language.

"Experts speculate" that the world is flat, too.

Posted by: Harvey at February 9, 2004 08:02 AM

Didn't they have an "Eat Dog Day" a while back? Maybe I'm confusing them with another country that had too many dogs.


Posted by: Trey Givens at February 9, 2004 03:33 PM