January 12, 2004
I Could Be Sued!
Yes, really. Heather the former music major (trumpet - betcha didn't know that) has made some serious noise in her band career. At the expense of others! Just look what Walter from Overlawyered has to bring us today.
Not so in the European Union, where a newly promulgated rule "reduces the allowable sound exposure in the European orchestral workplace from the present 90 decibels to 85. The problem is, a symphony orchestra playing full-out can easily reach 96 to 98 decibels, and certain brass and percussion instruments have registered 130 to 140 at close range."
Posted by hln at January 12, 2004 05:08 PM | Lawsuit Mania | TrackBack
You can tune an oboe?
Posted by: Victor at January 13, 2004 03:14 PMI'm a trumpet player, too. Playing loud is always more fun.
Up until recently I played with a symphony where one would often hear from the conductor, "The trumpets are too loud!"
To which we'd reply, "There's no such thing!"
Posted by: Perry at January 13, 2004 04:20 PMOh man...Victor beat me to saying the very first thing that came to my mind.
A fellow brass player (trombone), I used to love to terrorise the saxes sitting in front of our section.
Most embarassing volume related incident was in high school, the year our music program recorded an album. It was recorded live in our auditorium and the recording engineers hung a mic right over my horn. The concert band selections sounded like I was trying to play a feature solo all through every piece. At least I knew how to tune, thank gawd. Yeesh.
Posted by: Light & Dark at January 18, 2004 01:58 PM