December 11, 2003
Candy-Coated, Baby
Brian and I both work full time. We sometimes talk about the not-too-distant future when perhaps this will not be necessary. I'm not sure who started it, but the euphemism for the non-worker is the one who "sits" (or lies) "on the couch and eats bon-bons all day."
Of course, in recent years, that's been amended (if the person of reference is me) to "sit on the couch and eat bon-bons for 10% of the day and spend the rest of the day working 'em off." Yeah.
At any rate, last evening, we had the bon-bon discussion for some reason. And I said, "what is a bon-bon?"
And Brian intimated that he thinks it's a little individual ice cream treat. Later, of course, after I'd looked up the definition, he CLAIMED that this was not the ONLY kind of bon-bon, but rather it was HIS mental bon-bon. Or something.
To me, a bon-bon is a chocolate-covered cherry candy or something like that. And, realistically, I could probably down six or so without feeling sick, but, OY, that seventh one might just do me in.
In a non-related discussion that I referred to today while conversing with Hans, I had a joke with a friend that overeating different foods led to said non-burned calories appearing en masse as attached to one body part. Like, y'know, fudge goes to your nose. He said that the Nutri-Grain billboards have helped him avoid Cinnabons and their Siren calls at airports. Not bad, eh? (And in a non-related note direct to Hans, gotta love this good software design.) Someone call in [suspenseful music] The Tester.
Wow, I'm all over the place tonight. Blogging overdose. So, back on topic. Now YOU know what a bon-bon is. And you know what it signifies in the Noggle household. And how to keep it off your middle finger? Good-good.
Posted by hln at December 11, 2003 07:03 PM | Anecdote | TrackBack
My mom made 'Martha Washington Bon-Bons' each Christmas when we were growing up. It was kind of a sticky coconutty white candy rolled into balls and dipped in chocolate.
And no, I don't really miss them much. (The Bon-bons)
Posted by: King of Fools at December 12, 2003 02:56 PMchocolate.....mmmmmm....
(and remember to vote in the New Blog Showcase!!!)
Posted by: Susie at December 13, 2003 10:32 AMMarried With Children.
Peg Bundy. Bon-bons and watching Oprah.
Posted by: TheYeti at December 15, 2003 03:26 PMOmg thats right! Please come see me and my friends! ;)
Posted by: watch moi at March 16, 2005 03:49 PM