
December 02, 2003

Speaks For Itself

    CHICAGO (AFP) - Women smokers face twice the risk of developing lung cancer as men, but it is not yet clear why the cancer risk for women is higher, according to the findings of a study.

    The study, presented here to the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, also found women smokers faced a much higher risk than men of developing lung cancer no matter how often they smoked or how old they were.

    "We found that women had twice the risk of developing lung cancer as men, independent of how much they smoked, their age, or the size and textures of nodules found in their lungs," explained Claudia Henschke, a professor of radiology and division chief of chest imaging at the Cornell Medical Center in New York.
Wow. So, ladies, what're you going to do?



Posted by hln at December 2, 2003 05:48 AM | Health | TrackBack

Have smoke and think about it.

Posted by: Kate at December 5, 2003 05:25 PM