
November 18, 2003

Name Your Company

Steve Hall of Ad Rants points us to What Brand Are You, which was SUPPPOSED to be a joke. Well, y'know...

Here's what he has to say about it, and check out the site.

    In a telling tribute to the vapid mentality of the advertising industry, marketers registered over 20 of 150 fake brand names from a web site poking fun at the ridiculousness of corporate re-branding. Created as a spoof by U.K. ad agency Design Conspiracy, the site, What Brand Are You, asked marketers to enter a set of brand attributes and then click a button to get an auto-generate a brand name. Rather than get the joke, over 20 marketers used the site to generate a brand name and then registered it as a real brand. Some of the spoof brand names that are now "real" are Amplifico, Integriti, Thinc and Winwin.
Ooh, he said "vapid."

Incidentally, I'm ditto (fed it angelweave).

Maybe not.


Posted by hln at November 18, 2003 07:20 PM | Linkage/Kudos | TrackBack

I put in Bad Money, thrusting, and customer satisfaction. I got back "subigo" because I'm all about "profits before people".

At least they got the last part right, privileged capitalist that I am :-)

Posted by: Harvey at November 19, 2003 10:17 AM

This is a wicked story!! Nice bit fo PR for The Design Conspiracy too... I guess that viral stuff is starting to work? I was Brandabout - Old Fashioned Service In A Modern Building...

Posted by: Jona Wells at November 24, 2003 08:47 AM