
November 09, 2003

Sunday Spam!

Yes, I received SPAM with my Hotmail account. Shocking, no?

I actually opened this one, and it makes good blog fodder. Sit on the porch step (preferably in a virtual warm climate), and read along with me.

I bring you the 911 Review.

Here's what I "learned":
  • Osama is a Patsy!
  • Charges brought down the Twin Towers!
  • There's an Ongoing Coverup!
  • Jet Fuel Can't Melt Steel!
And, oh, so much more! You, too, can be enlightened.

Psst...and Harvey, check out this Bad Money.

Too bad I'm no longer a grad student. I had a really good time with a militia rhetoric pamphlet once. This'd make for a longer paper.


Posted by hln at November 9, 2003 02:29 PM | Whimsy | TrackBack

Bonnie Heather: That was a cool link for Harvey!

Posted by: The Bartender at November 9, 2003 10:26 PM