October 23, 2003
Quick Links
No time to make this yesterday's letter of the day, but enough time to get 'em out here quick before making the morning commute to work
1) Alpha Patriot tells a tale of two immigrants.
2) Serenity of Serenity's Journal defines conservativism. It's very nicely done.
3) Wizbang: tch tch tch tch tch tch tch-ching!
4) Swirlspice shows us the mullet! Uh, yeah, I DO remember that joke we played on...
5) Mooooove away, said the cow. It seems as if this behavior is not limited to kangaroos any long.
6) Thanks to Boots and Sabres for the blogroll addition. I'll probably continue to sneak in via my RSS thingee, but I'll get you added soon (probably during the week next week).
7) CommonSense & Wonder discusses "Frankenfoods." This appears to be the same article I mentioned this weekend.
8) Here's Arthur Silbur on brains, weight, and food.
9) This is the "I laughed out loud" post for the morning - Thanks, PhysicsGeek. 10) I'm very late with this, but Jennifer interviewed Daniel, and here are the results.
11) Harvey links the same interview (Daniel's), but he has an interesting little thought at the end. I've been scratching my head all morning but while laughing.
Posted by hln at October 23, 2003 07:22 AM | Linkage/Kudos | TrackBack