October 20, 2003
Link. Link.
So, it's getting close to bedtime, and I've not blogged a thing here today. I wrote the mustard post yesterday. I did put something up at The Alliance but that hardly counts.
So I'll link.
Matt at Blackfive posts a chilling anecdote about a social event with some Pakistani friends, now known as less-than-friends.
Look Left for the League of Liberals
Trey Givens provides me with another Enclave logo

Michael Williams (I have to be careful to link the proper Michael. It is indeed Williams this time) offers thorough analysis of the box cutter/airplane situation and why the items were not found for so long.
Carnival of the Captialists is here. That's tomorrow's reading that'll keep me from blogging.
Wizbang posts a pic of the woman who stole my Halloween costume. 'Cept she has no talons. Meow.
This is a couple of days old, but I said I'd link it, and so here it is. Robert Prather waxes economic, as he does so well, that Percentiles Are Not People.
Fritz enriches our "vocabulary" with a new buzzword. Hans, I don't want to hear this one. Ever.
I don't remember where I saw this. It was Friday. And when I went there, I couldn't leave. It was so riveting...in a disgusting sort of way.
That's enough. Yawn. 5 a.m. comes early.
Posted by hln at October 20, 2003 10:29 PM | Linkage/Kudos
Hey if you wear it you darn sure better take pictures!
Posted by: Kevin at October 21, 2003 01:01 AMFirst - what Kevin said
Second - that "something" you put up at HQ is probably the most important thing I've read since the Blog War started. Just wanted to thank you for posting that.
Posted by: Harvey at October 21, 2003 06:09 AMThanks for the link!
Posted by: Michael Williams at October 21, 2003 02:06 PMI promise never to use "meta-" to mean "super-"
Posted by: hans at October 21, 2003 03:19 PMPost a comment