October 13, 2003
Nickel and Dimed...a Prelude
I've now read 106 pages of the book Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America. I have another 10 or so to go before I've completed the third section - the second section that's actually about Barbara's work experiences.
Expect a long, long, long post tonight. I probably won't finish it until after the gym, though, so it may not be up until 9:30 p.m. CST or thereabouts.
Oh, and I commented on Andrew's blog about this again. Please, everyone, be the courteous and wonderful people I know you to be (and thanks for the support). Andrew is my former boss, and I believe some of this is tongue in cheek - for purposes of discussion. Anne is his wife and has done some wonderful things with educating children in other countries.
I agree that there is injustice in this world and that, as one of you said, "life isn't fair." I also believe in charitable work and charity organizations and the wonderful things they do. I just don't believe they should be run by the government and mandated thus (yours an my tax dollars).
Posted by hln at October 13, 2003 11:41 AM | Books | TrackBack
Actually, Heather, it's that JadeGold your "supporters" are annoyed by...
Posted by: Susie at October 13, 2003 01:40 PMI was polite and instructive on his blog. Not on mine.
Posted by: TheYeti at October 13, 2003 07:36 PMYou're never polite and instructive on your own, Yeti ;-)
Posted by: hans at October 13, 2003 07:59 PMSo confused.
Posted by: Jennifer at October 13, 2003 09:04 PMClick on the link to Andrew's blog, Jen. The Munuvians came in droves supporting me. My post will be up within the hour (I hope), and then it won't be so confoozling.
Posted by: hln at October 13, 2003 09:26 PM