
October 13, 2003

Quick Links (Otherwise Known as Massive Backlog)

In 15 minutes, how many links can I make? We'll see.

Wizbang links to a blogger who translates Baby Got Back into the romance languages and beyond.

Kelley of Suburban Blight has a new Cul-de-sac.

I missed entry for the Carnival of the Capitalists. I don't suspect I'll miss it again.

Aaron of Free Will drop-kicks the logic of the Democratic Underground. And, oh, so eloquent is he.

The Agitator tells a tale of To Kill a Mockingbird and politcal correctness.

Eugene Volokh cashes in on the strange mess that is Missouri's Conceal and Carry law (at least, I thought it was a law).

Robert Prather provides an excellent view of the EU's economic failings.

Pregnant cows killed by lightning (okay, it's early, and _I_ found it interesting).

Oh, and my spouse called me a sex symbol. I think perhaps he's a bit biased.

Good morning.


Posted by hln at October 13, 2003 05:57 AM | Linkage/Kudos