May 01, 2003
More mail! Cooking Club of America
DON'T SEND MONEY. It's not necessary.
Yet. Buhahahahaha. I love these little scolding letters with their tones of "you bad dog if you don't join/send us [more] money."
Directive: "Just mail your Acknowledgement (notice capitalization - deified!) in the postage-paid envelope. Then put the enclosed card in your wallet."
And, just what happens if I defy this order? My wallet refuses!
Warning: "If you don't let us know within 14 days, Club rules require me to remove your name from our membership roll. So please do it now."
Hmm, really. Is that so. Is there a reason, then, why my refrigerator sports two previous magnets from your "charter" club that I have never joined. Smirk along to the music now. The third magnet is just itching to join in.
It's important you red this entire letter
Oh, obviously. Cooking Club of America - you will save the world, no? Donate a few pineapples in my name, please.
The rest is just drivel in cookingese. I'll not bore you. Let's go on to the next piece of mail.
Posted by hln at May 1, 2003 09:07 PM | Anecdote