
July 21, 2003

About the Kobe Bryant Thing

I give you lyrics from Dog's Eye View, a song called Bulletproof and Bleeding:
    Everybody loves the man on a cliff
    Some hope for heroes
    Most of us beg for blood

    We all stay to see if he falls
    No one stays to pick him up
    Much too busy for his rapture
    We can catch it on the news tonight instead, yea
So, now, do all you hypocritical adulterers feel better about yourselves? Surveys state there are a large number of you.

Part two:

More lyrics - just for fun. Harry Connick, Jr. Also fitting. From Last Payday:
    That line about luck just can`t be bought
    You`re always lucky `til you get caught
    Trouble will find you, no need to look
    And luck won`t help when they close the book
It's all about the consequences, man, personal and financial. Shoulda thought of that; everything carries a price.


Posted by hln at July 21, 2003 11:57 AM | Blogspot Blog