
August 06, 2003

Stay Out of My Cone, by Tresa McBee and

I read the article entitled "Stay Out of My Cone" today - can't remember where I found it. But I thoroughly enjoyed it, and it pointed back to this little website called This is really a .net, not a .com, and so I am thoroughly confused about that point, but no matter.

I read these words. I decided to read more.

    What is ifeminism?

    Individualist feminism, or ifeminism, advocates the equal treatment of men and women as individuals under just law. The core principle of individualist feminism is that all human beings have a moral and legal claim to their own persons and property. It is sometimes called libertarian feminism.
You mean, it might actually apply to me?

    Sometimes the inequality works to women's advantage, as in affirmative action laws. Do you oppose them as well?

    Absolutely. Equality means neither privilege nor oppression. Besides which, it hardly benefits women to have a paternalistic state treat them as children or "lesser" human beings who need state assistance to become equal.


    Opposing affirmative action and defending property rights is generally associated with conservatives. Isn't ifeminism just conservative feminism?

    Many conservatives are uncomfortable with the way ifeminism embraces radical civil liberties. For example, ifeminism calls for the decriminalization of prostitution and pornography. To an ifeminist, there is no schism between economic and civil liberties. They are both expressions of an individual's right to use her own body and property in any peaceful manner she chooses.
Yeah, I'll stick around. I never thought I'd be willing and/or eager to review feminist thought. I'm generally a pretty strong individualist with objectivist leanings and a Christian background (yeah, somebody reconcile THAT into a sane human). Still, expect more posts and commentary with thought originating from this site.


Posted by hln at August 6, 2003 10:23 PM | Blogspot Blog