September 01, 2003
Blogroll Changes, Yet Again I
I can't seem to quit, can I? I've added The Puppy Blender, The Lemon, Suburban Blight, and Meryl Yourish all to the main blogroll today.
Mom, skip Yourish for a week. She has a picture of (and a story about) an S-word. It should be off her front page soon.
I made a second list of blogs from the Alliance. I haven't linked everyone. Discriminating soul that I am, I have only about 60 - 70% of everyone. Main criteria?
- No unjustified (gratuitous) use of the f-word. Its overuse makes me yawn. We're writing because we're writers and possess a level of skill above Mr. or Ms. Everyday. We should refrain from speaking in those individuals' voices without reason.
- Good writing style and thought process.
- Enough/oft-updated content.
Posted by hln at September 1, 2003 07:29 PM | Blogspot Blog